

My brother lives on peaceful and picturesque Lake Sabbatus. Not only is Sabbatus the perfect place to live, it's a great vacation destination for us!

My brother owns two houses: a small cottage on the east side, which he now rents, and a larger home on the west side.
He's lived on the west side almost two years. His home, tucked off a dirt road, has a view of Mount Sabbatus. Woods, heavy with pine, a narrow verge and a small pond surround his property. King fishers, ducks and loons frequent the pond. The lake is also home to game fish. Most of the boat traffic is local and is light except on the weekends. But even then, the number of boats - pontoons, bass and outboard motor - remains small.

The relative quiet makes Lake Sabbatus the perfect place to unwind, wine in hand. There is a constant breeze coming off the lake and humidity is low. Sunsets are my favorite pastime. They are inspirational - a photographer's dream.
As we like to say, "Hail Sabbatus!"

1 comment:

  1. Stuey's Mom and Dad went to the islands over 30 years ago. They said they couldn't get over the black sands and the colors of the water. The roast pig was yummy a was the dolphin but could do without the poi!!! Wall paper paste.
